× Important: In order to purchase/renew membership on this site, you must first sign-in. Failure to do so will create a duplicate account for you.

Renew Your Membership

Extend your membership to continue to receive discounts on Club events plus priority registration or Members-only invitations to some gatherings! Renewing is quick and easy. Your membership will last a full 12 months from the day you renew (if you renew early, you will get an additional 12 months added to your current expiration). See “Member Benefits” page for more information.                                                                          

To receive emails about our events:

Alumni should update their address in TigerNet to our IL region or join the "PC of Chicago" group in TigerNet2.0.

Non-alumni can submit a request to info@princetonclubofchicago.org to be included in our supplemental email distribution list.

To stay connected:

Please also follow us on our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages!

Please check your membership status first under "my account" before proceeding further; if you choose to renew while your membership is current, your term will be extended by one year.

Please select the type you wish to purchase and click the "Continue" button below.
M1 - New Alumni
  Description:  Welcome, classes of ’23-’24 and *23-*24!
Membership price:  $0.00

M2 - Non-Resident
  Description:  Live outside Chicago and the "collar" counties
Membership price:  $0.00

M3 - Recent Alumni
  Description:  Classes of ’20-’22 and *20-*22
Membership price:  $25.00

M4 - New Member
  Description:  Never before a Club member
Membership price:  $25.00

M5 - Parent
  Description:  Parent of any Princeton student
Membership price:  $25.00

M6 - Regular
Membership price:  $50.00

M7 - Patron
  Description:  All Regular Member benefits plus listing in online Annual Report; your additional contribution helps the Club in many ways
Membership price:  $125.00

M8 - Benefactor
  Description:  All Regular Member benefits plus listing in online Annual Report; your additional contribution helps the Club in many ways
Membership price:  $300.00

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