NHL Outing – Chicago Blackhawks vs. Minnesota Wild


sunday, november 10, 2024

The Princeton Club of Chicago invites you to watch a Chicago Blackhawks Game!


Continuing the Tigers love of all things sport, let’s attend an National Hockey League match together. The Chicago Blackhawks will be playing the Minnesota Wild on Sunday, November 10th at 6pm.  This is a family-friendly outing where we will enjoy a pre-game hangout at Ranalli’s pizzeria and then head to United Center for the match.   


All are welcome.  Come to what you can (social, game or both). We'd love to see you! 


Sunday, November 10th, 2024

3:30 - 5:45pm Social at Ranalli's Pizzeria (West Loop location). CASH BAR.  
6:00 - 8:00pm Hockey Game at United Center
Ranalli's - West Loop location 
1326 W Madison
Chicago, IL 60607
United Center 
1901 W Madison
Chicago, IL 60612
PCC Members: $55 Includes one ticket to the game. 
Non-Members:  $60 Includes one ticket to the game. 
Social Only: $0 Choose this option if you don't want a ticket to the hockey game but would like to attend the social. 
Click here to reserve by November 7th, @ 11:59pm!!! 
Spaces are limited so please RSVP soon!  


 Join NOW to receive PCC Member priority reservation, member pricing, and to support Princeton events and service opportunities.  Membership is free for the Classes of '23-'24 and *23-*24, but you must join.  Membership starts at only $25/year.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties registering, please contact us at info@princetonclubofchicago.org or 312-767-8440.