Please join us for Chicago's 18th Annual Princeton Prize in Race Relations award ceremony and reception as we recognize local Chicagoland area high school students who have had a significant positive impact through volunteerism on race relations in their schools or communities.  RSVP by 3/31!

The Princeton Prize is awarded to high school students across the nation.  PPRR operates through 27 Regional Committees and has an At-Large Regional Committee to support areas where we currently have no geographic presence. PPRR is an alumni volunteer-run organization, enlisting the support of over 450 Princetonians, all dedicated to an inclusive and supporting society. Prize recipients receive a cash prize of $1,000 and an all-expenses-paid weekend to a Symposium on Race at Princeton University where they will meet and engage with other Prize recipients from across the country.

This is now a hybrid event - you may join in person at the address below, or remotely with Microsoft Teams

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Tuesday, April 4, 2023
5:30 - 7:30 pm
(reception at 5:30 pm with program to begin at 6 pm)
Northern Trust
Assembly Room
50 S LaSalle Street, 6th floor
Chicago, IL 60603
Please use Monroe Street entrance 
There is no charge for this event thanks to the generosity of our host - Northern Trust and Jason Tyler '93.
Click here to RSVP by March 31!

T H E   P R I N C E T O N   P R I Z E   I N   R A C E   R E L A T I O N S
“To promote harmony, understanding, and respect among people of different races by identifying and recognizing high school age students whose efforts have had a significant, positive effect on race relations in their schools or communities.” 
There is perhaps no greater challenge facing our country than increasing understanding and cooperation among people of different racial backgrounds.  It is a challenge that every new generation encounters.  We therefore believe that young people have a particularly important role to play, and hope, through the Princeton Prize, to recognize and encourage young people who have made or are making efforts to improve racial harmony. 
Princeton and its alumni recognize that the issue of race relations continues to be one of the most urgent and important challenges facing our country.  We have created this program to identify and commend young people who are working to increase understanding and mutual respect among all races.  Through the Princeton Prize we hope to encourage others to join in these or similar efforts and to undertake initiatives of their own. 

To learn more about the Princeton Prize in Race Relations, please visit: