Virtual Career Networking -
April 29, 2020
Hello Chicago Tigers!
Please (virtually!) join us for an evening of open career networking and informal conversation with fellow Princeton alums in Chicago working across all and any industries and fields. Given the unique circumstances we all currently find ourselves in, we are opening up this career networking opportunity to all Chicago alums interested in sharing their own career specific needs and challenges as well as offering support to other fellow alums in Chicago during these times. We will begin the event with brief introductions and depending on interest, can open up to networking opportunities in smaller group settings.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
5 PM
Zoom link will be provided to those who RSVP'd on the day of the event
Please RSVP to PCC Networking Chairs Anna Huang '07 at AND Robert J. Khoury '90 at by Tuesday April 29, 2020 at midnight CST.
QUESTIONS: Contact Anna Huang at or Robert J. Khoury '90 at

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