princetondiversitydiscussions_chicago-logoPRINCETON DIVERSITY "VIRTUAL" DISCUSSIONS 
- Feb 28, 2022

You are invited to join us at Princeton Diversity Discussions! In his 2021 State of the University letter, Princeton University's President Christopher L. Eisgruber remarked, "We will press onward with the actions and conversations required to make this University stronger, more inclusive and equitable, and truer to the aspirations that we cherish. Doing so will require more discussions about challenging topics including race in America and at Princeton." Princeton Diversity Discussions is our ongoing series of friendly and inclusive gatherings for discussing race-related issues, supported by the Association of Black Princeton Alumni (ABPA), Association of Latino Princeton Alumni (ALPA), Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton (A4P), Native Alumni of Princeton (NAP), Princeton Club of Western Washington, Princeton Club of Washington (PCW), Princeton Club of Minnesota, Princeton Club of Oregon, Princeton Alumni Association of Dallas, Princeton Alumni Association of Houston, Princeton Club of San Antonio, Princeton Club of Austin, Princeton Alumni Association of Western Pennsylvania (PAAWP), Princeton Association of New York City (PANYC), Princeton Club of Michigan, Princeton Association of Delaware, Princeton Club of Hampton Roads, Princeton Club of Wisconsin, Princeton Area Alumni Association (PA3), Princeton Alumni Association of Rhode Island, Princeton Club of San Diego (PCSD), Princeton Club of Northern California (PCNC), Princeton Club of Southern California (PCSC), Princeton Club of Northwestern New Jersey, Princeton Alumni Association of Northern New Jersey, Rockland, and Orange Counties (PAA NNJ-ROC), Princeton Alumni Association of Essex and Hudson Counties (PAAEHs), Princeton Association of Virginia, Princeton Association of New England (PANE), Princeton Club of Chicago (PCC), the Class of 1979, the Class of 1980, the Class of 1982, the Class of 1990, the Class of 1995, the Class of 1996, and Terrace.

To join our email list for notification of our gatherings and receive Zoom links, please email the Founding Director of Princeton Diversity Discussions Jenny Korn '96 at and Ambassador of Chicago Princeton Diversity Discussions Jessica Gonzalez '95 at Open to everyone that would like to talk about race, racism, and racial justice, Princeton Diversity Discussions invite alumni, students, staff, family, friends, and everyone you think is groovy to join us. For now, we are meeting digitally, and ALL of our online gatherings are open to EVERYONE. Please attend as many of our digital meetings as you’d like. We are excited to discuss race with you soon!

Princeton Diversity Discussions are happening on

* Monday, February 28, 2022, at 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern, hosted by PCC's Princeton Diversity Discussions in Illinois 

* Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at 7 pm Central / 8 pm Eastern, hosted by Princeton Diversity Discussions in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota

* Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 6 pm Central / 7 pm Eastern, hosted by Princeton Diversity Discussions in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC

* Monday, March 28, 2022, at 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern, hosted by PCC's Princeton Diversity Discussions in Illinois   

Monday, February 28, 2022
8 pm central

Please RSVP to Jessica Gonzalez '95 at or Jenny Korn '96 at for Zoom link info.